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FAESO joins DOH-PNAC HIV-AIDS Awareness Forum

Jennifer Lim, FAESO Deputy


It was a great opportunity last July 26, 2018, as the DOH-PINAC conducted an orientation for the aspiring student volunteers and Media practitioners. Before the orientation started, the participants were given a pre-test on how far they were knowledgeable about HIV-AIDS after they have registered. The orientation started around two in the afternoon with a prayer and shared expectations regarding with the said orientation after that segment, they officially started the forum with Dr. Jojo Feliciano discussing the status of HIV-AIDS not just in Cagayan de Oro city, as well as to the other regions in the Philippines. It has shown in the data that HIV-AIDS is alarming since it rapidly increases every less than an hour, this report crucial in order for us to be aware of this virus that causes a dreadful impact to an individual whether he is HIV positive or not. After he had conducted his topic, he answered some of the audience's queries and curiosity while the snack was going on. After the break, another speaker, Mrs. Tessa delivered about the behaviors and how HIV-AIDS can be transmitted to another person. The topic enlightened the audience regarding the misconceptions about the said virus HIV-AIDS and it gave more knowledge in order for us not to be an ignorant wherein this matter. Mrs. Tess then made a bit of warm-up letting the participants dance without knowing, behind it, they were choosing some participants to go in front, she ordered everybody in the room to close their eyes and imagine what if they were a carrier of HIV-AIDS and it gave a long pinch in every participant's heart, when they opened their eyes, she asked the five chosen participants to share what they felt during the time they were closing their eyes. After the short activity, they introduced Mr. Raffy, a positive of AIDS shared to us how did he become a carrier of HIV-AIDS and ended the orientation with an inspiring message to the audience that "your illness doesn't make you less as a person."

All in all, this orientation certainly enlightened every individual that was present during the orientation especially to those who are members of the FAESO they are willing to share what they have learned throughout the orientation and embrace the bravery of an HIV-AIDS carrier. With this act, it would make a change as USTP fellow to accept a carrier instead of discriminating and putting them down instead of helping them lift their hopes that it is not yet the end and together, we will take the first step to spread love and knowledge to make this advocacy continue to apprise people about HIV-AIDS.

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