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Responsibility Management towards Leadership Excellence

Zarraiah Nichole Papauran, FAESO Deputy


“Leadership consists of nothing but taking responsibility for everything that goes wrong and giving your subordinates credit for everything that goes well” a remarkable quote from Dwight Eisenhower. It talks about a leadership that is not perfect but is willing to do everything not to fail for the sake of the constituents he is handling. A leader who is responsible enough and executes his tasks at hand. Someone who is patient and virtuous. He is someone who takes the initiative on facing challenges together with his associates. He empowers and never expects anything in return for the things he did but instead, he is very willing and active to serve others wholeheartedly.

A Student Organization Moderators’ Orientation-Meeting occurred on the 19th day of July 2018, held at the University’s Integrated Technology Building Audio Visual Room at 10:30 a.m. The advisers and student leaders were the recipients of the said event. The main purpose of the event is to emphasize excellence to all the student organizations that are accredited by the Office of Student Affairs, led by Dr. Amparo Vedua-Dinagsao, the director. She highlighted some points to be remembered by the student leaders and their advisers. These are: Annual Work Financial Plan (AWFP), Reasons of some who failed to comply their tasks and, the mission and objectives of each association. She also remarked those things that they must look back for the lessons learned, the excellent organizations for inspiration and to look ahead to be hopeful and excited about the things that will come. These things were being tackled in the first of the said event because they were reminded on what they are supposed to do and what they have done on the previous terms.

Leadership doesn’t only apply to the student but also to the moderators of each organization. Dr. Rhoda Namoco, the Outstanding Student Moderator awardee of Kahamili 2018, discussed the tips on how to be a good moderator in order for the organization to obtain their mission and vision. A moderator should be meticulous on the things that are being done by the student leaders especially about money. Also, a moderator is objective on the tasks that is to be done on time. Moreover, he/she should also be tactful, that means be careful not to offend or hurt the feelings of the student leaders. Another one is to be helpful when there are activities or events that are to be organized. Next tip is to be updated about the tasks of the student leaders. Be approachable, a moderator should let the student leaders be comfortable to him or her. Respect is also an important characteristic that a moderator should possess. Being open-minded should also be a factor, the opinions and decisions of the student leaders must be heard. Be easy going so that the students wouldn’t be intimidated to ask some questions. And most especially, be a parent. A parent who guides, understands, someone who will always be there and be the parent who also becomes a friend. These traits are effective and should be worked on by the moderators to have a better organization that would soon become a family.

The last speaker was Sir Jerwin S. Borres, the head of Student Welfare and Support Services; he talked about the roles and responsibilities of the moderators or advisers. A moderator’s responsibility is to participate in competency enhancement, he or she should attend the activities being conducted by the organization he/she is holding, always be available for consultation, the mid-year and year-end evaluation should be complied, the leaders of the organization he/she is handling should be guided and be taught with discipline and proper behavior, a signatory of the moderator is needed upon getting the budget and lastly is to supervise their student leaders always. He also recalled the university policies about upholding a student activity. Also, he presented the updated rules for doing an activity, such as filing the SARF (Student Affairs Request Form) and the moratorium. As he continued discussing, the open forum started. There are different questions being raised by the student leaders and advisers concerning the filing of SARF, moratorium and other important matters. The room was full of discussions ad clarifications. But after all, the event ended with much knowledge and inspiration. Closing the event, Sir Jerwin quoted, “Big Position comes with Bigger Responsibilities”.

“Let me define a leader. He must have vision and passion and not be afraid of any problem. Instead, he must work with integrity”. An inspirational message quoted by A.P.S Abdul Kalam which means that a leader must work with bravery. Tasks may be hard but he/she must conquer the fear inside in order to serve uprightly. Leadership was never an easy task. But with activeness, perseverance and the love to serve others, he/she will accomplish the mission given. Always keep in mind that “Leadership starts with understanding the responsibilities” as what Rick Warren said. Excellence is achieved if a leader manages his responsibilities and carries out the roles he/she has. It might be hard upon doing but, in the long run the fruit of what he/she planted will be seen.

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